The End-of-Life Care Research Group VUB & UGent is well presented at the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International conference 22-25 October in Bern, Switzerland. Luc Deliens is president of the PHPCI and Libby Sallnow and Joachim Cohen are members of the scientific committee of this extraordinary conference.
Please meet our researchers at the activities listed below - we are looking forward meeting you!
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Plenary 2: Death literacy - how to develop, how to measure
Location: Kornhausforum - Plenary hall
Chair: Joachim Cohen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Chair: Ekkapop Sittiwantana, Compassionate Communities Research and Devlopment Institution Foundation Thailand, Thailand
Chair: Carol Tishelman, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Parallel session 1b: Supporting professional caregivers
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 1"
Chair: Sofia C. Zambrano, University of Bern, Switzerland
Chair: Luc Deliens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Parallel session 1c: Experiences of dying
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 2"
Chair: Kelli Stajduhar, University of Victoria, Canada
Chair: Bert Quintiens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Wednesday, 23 October 2024
Parallel session 2b: Promoting inclusion and participation
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 1"
Session Chairs: Emma Hodges, Compassionate Communities UK, United Kingdom & Joachim Cohen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Presentation by Helena Du Cheyne, Identifying facilitators, barriers, and strategies to optimize recruitment of volunteer navigators for implementing a navigation intervention for older people with cancer and their families: a mixed-method study embedded in the international EU Navigate pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Parallel session 2c: Embracing story telling and caring cultures
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 2"
Session Chair: Vilma Adriana Tripodoro, Institute Pallium Latinoamerica/ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care WHO CC, Argentine Republic
Session Chair: Steven Vanderstichelen, Compassionate Communities Centre of Expertise, Belgium
12:30pm -2:00pm
Lunch break incl. poster walk
Location: Kornhauskeller
The poster walk starts at 1:15 PM at the entrance to the poster exhibition
Chair: Libby Sallnow, United Kingdom
Chair: Joachim Cohen, Belgium
Workshop 3a: Unpacking causality and impact in public health palliative care initiatives: Exploring research approaches
with Hanne Bakelants, Carol Tishelman, Sabet Van Steenbergen
Location: Hotel Kreuz - Room "Hodler"
Plenary 4: Bereavement companionship programs - luxury or societal standard?
Location: Kornhausforum - Plenary hall
Chair: Saif Mohammed, Institute of Palliative Medicine, India
Chair: Libby Sallnow, University College London, United Kingdom
Announcement of the PHPCI Research Impact award winner
Thursday, 24 October 2024
11:00am - 12:30pm
Parallel session 4a: Developing sustainable policies
Presentation by Marjolein Matthys“Why should I care?”: an audience reception study of public awareness campaigns on palliative care.
11:00am - 12:30pm
Parallel session 4b: Volunteering and citizen perspectives
Presentation by Sabet Van Steenbergen Pilot-testing and evaluation of the ‘Attentive Visitors’ training program to support community volunteers in their palliative care signposting role’
11:00am - 12:30pm
Workshop 4a: Fostering community engagement through Death and Grief Festivals: Insights from four case studies from Scotland, England, Belgium and Canada
Fostering community engagement through Death and Grief Festivals: Insights from three case studies from Scotland, England, and Belgium
with Hanne Bakelants
12:30pm - 2:00pm
EAPC: Reference group meeting
Location: Kornhausforum - Plenary hall
This meeting is open to all participants
Chairs: Libby Sallnow & Joachim Cohen
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Parallel session 5a: Measuring death literacy
Location: Kornhausforum - Plenary hall
Presentation by Therese Johansson, co-authors Steven Vanderstichelen, Carol Tishelman, Joachim Cohen,Translating and adapting the Death Literacy Index in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden: characteristics and challenges
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Parallel session 5c: Exploring research methodology
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 2"
Presentation by Fien Van Campe, Adapting public health palliative care interventions to new settings using ADAPT guidance: the example of NavCare-EU
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Workshop 5a: Building on evidence, experiences, and mutual reflections to develop Compassionate Schools: a practical workshop
Location: Hotel Kreuz - Room "Hodler"
with Bert Quintiens, Joachim Cohen
Friday, 25 October 2024
9:00am - 10:30am
Parallel session 6a: Fostering compassionate communities
Location: Kornhausforum - Plenary hall
- Presentation by Sarah dury, co-authors: Bert Quintiens, Louise D'Eer, Hanne Bakelants, Joachim Cohen. Places of solace: a starting point for a Compassionate Community?
- Presentation by Bert Quintiens, Willingness to support neighbours practically or emotionally: A cross-sectional survey among the general public
- Presentation by Louise D'Eer, Facilitators and barriers to developing Compassionate Neighbourhoods
9:00am - 10:30am
Parallel session 6b: Engaging with children and young adults
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 1"
Presentation by Carol Tishelman, Drawings about end-of-life issues: Analysis of pictures by children in Sweden during the 1st Covid-19 wave
9:00am - 10:30am
Parallel session 6c: Understanding and evaluating compassionate cities
Location: Hotel Bern - Room "Unionssaal 2"
Chair: Sally Paul, University of Strathlcyde, United Kingdom
Chair: Libby Sallnow, University College London, United Kingdom
-Presentation by Louise D'Eer, Cross-cultural perspectives on Belgian and Canadian compassionate communities: comparing results from two cousins initiatives
9:00am - 10:30am
Workshop 6c: Compassionate Workplaces in Europe: sharing experiences and resources
Location: Le Cap - Room "Arche/Refuge"
with Steven Vanderstichelen, Joachim Cohen
EU-Navigate training prepares navigators in European countries to support older persons with cancer living at home
Presenter: Iris Beijer, Co-author: Lieve Van den Block et al.
Set 1: poster abstracts
Time: 22/Oct/2024
Equivalence of construct validity of the Death Literacy Index in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden
Presenter: Therese Johansson, Co-authors: Steven Vanderstichelen, Carol Tishelman, Joachim Cohen et al.
Set 2: poster abstracts
Time: 24/Oct/2024
Public Health Issues Raised by legal Assisted Dying (AD). Does legal assisted dying increase (by contagion) or decrease (by prevention) suicide rates?
Presenter: Jan Bernheim
Set 2: poster abstracts
Time: 24/Oct/2024