
Evaluation of a complex intervention to initiate advance care planning in general practice for the improvement of end-of-life care
Evaluate and validate ACP intervention in terms of feasibility, acceptance to GPs and patients with a serious or life-threatening illness
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CARPCS - Caribbean Palliative Care Study
Palliative and EOL care in Trinidad and Tobago
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nELD - End-of-life decisions in stillbirths, neonates and infants: a population-based study in Flanders, Belgium
Occurrence and characteristics of end-of-life decisions in stillbirths, neonates and infants in Flanders, Belgium
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Developing and evaluating short-term palliative care for frail older people
Developing and testing the effectiveness of a specialist palliative care service for frail older people in primary care
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Development of a practice tool for the improvement of palliative sedation practices in nursing homes
The research proposal is concerned with the development, validation and effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines forpalliative sedation in nursing homes aimed at improvement of care delivery by general practitioners
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