Author: Joni Gilissen
Date: 17-12-2019
Promoters: Prof. dr. Lieve Van den Block (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Prof. dr. Chris Gastmans (KULeuven), co-promotors: Prof. dr. Luc Deliens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Prof. dr. Lara Pivodic (KULeuven)
Towards Successful Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes Advance care planning (ACP) enables individuals to think ahead and define their goals and preferences for future treatment and care. Such a process has been shown to have a positive impact on both the individual and those close to them, and is widely considered to be an integral part of best practice longterm care. Implementation in daily nursing home practice however still seems to be a challenge, and research has failed to provide recommendations on how to implement ACP successfully in the complex setting of a nursing home. Effectiveness research has therefore been recommended to go beyond ʻdoes it work?ʼ to ʻhow and under what circumstances does it work?ʼ.
Towards successful advance care planning in nursing homes was written as a Joint PhD dissertation and explores how to implement advance care planning successfully in nursing homes. Through the theory-based development and evaluation of a complex intervention, using qualitative and quantitative research methods, this work aims to contribute to improving advance care planning in routine nursing home care in Flanders, Belgium.