Kathleen Leemans
Postdoc Researcher
Affiliate members
MSc, PhD - Clinical Psychologist
Kathleen Leemans studied clinical psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where she obtained her master degree in 2008. Shortly after, in February 2009, Kathleen started working as a junior researcher at the End of Life Care Research Group Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University. During her PhD trajectory she developed quality indicators for palliative care in Flanders, Belgium, supervised by Prof. Luc Deliens and Prof. Joachim Cohen, and co-supervised by Prof. Lieve Van den Block. At this moment she is working as a post-doc researcher on a project to implement the quality indicators into the Flemish palliative care services.
UZ Brussel
Laarbeeklaan 101
1090 Brussels