European Intersectorial and Multi-disciplinary Palliative Care Research Training
Abstract project
The general aim of the European Intersectorial and Multi-disciplinary Palliative Care Research Training – EURO IMPACT – was to develop a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional and intersectorial educational research framework in Europe aimed at monitoring and improving palliative care.
EURO IMPACT developed a broad-based multi-disciplinary palliative care research training that trained researchers in:
- mastering scientific skills to describe palliative care and its quality across Europe and identify and develop tools to improve it – via providing on-the-job research training, organising network wide training and structured training courses
- societal dissemination techniques i.e. translating research results to clinical practice and policy, by bridging the gap between academia and non-academic sectors
- developing and disseminating insights and knowledge on optimisation of palliative care delivery to the larger EU community – via writing scientific papers and reports, communicating with media and relevant policy-makers, presenting at conferences, and through important dissemination products
- bridged the gap between individual research institutes, multiple disciplines and different sectors involved in palliative care research training in Europe.
- built the basis for the further development of a EU platform for palliative care PhD research training and increased the international mobility of palliative care researchers across Europe.
The training programme involves 6 universities/research institutes from Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Norway and Italy and several European umbrella organisations, all at the forefront of palliative research training and representing a wide spectrum of disciplines and professions: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VU University Medical Centre and EMGO Institute for health and care research, King’s College London and Cicely Saunders International, Lancaster University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Regional Palliative Care Network, IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, Genoa (participation in EURO IMPACT terminated dd 31/12/12) and Italian Cancer Research and Prevention Institute, EAPC Research Network, EU Geriatric Medicine Society, and Springer Media.