Author: Koen Meeussen
Date: 01-04-2011
Promotor: Prof. dr. Luc Deliens
Co-Promotor: Prof. dr. Lieve Van den Block
Epidemiologic shifts in mortality and developments in demography and medicine have led to a sharp rise in the attention being paid to end-of-life care as an important clinical and public health concern. Without doubt it will remain one of the major and urgent societal challenges for the 21st century.
Methods and results
Using the nationwide representative Sentinel Network of General Practitioners as primary method of investigation, this research provides insight into the dying process and the care people received at the end of their lives in Belgium. Special attention is given to those who have died of cancer or with dementia, to processes of communication during or with regard to the last phase of life, and to end-of-life practices in which the hastening of death was explicitly intended.
This book hopes to make a contribution by providing valuable information for patients, families, health care professionals, and policy makers in pursuit of a better end-of-life care for everyone.