Else Gien Statema
MSc - Organizational Psychologist
Else Gien Statema graduated in 2015 from the Universiteit van Amsterdam as a Msc in Organizational Psychology and Training- and Development. After also graduating from De Kleine Academie on movement-based Theatre she joined our team in March 2017. As a Trainer, her main aim is translating research outcomes into applicable and interactive training programs. Within the End of Life Care Research Group she was envolved in training interventions for:
- Vital coaching - Improving Breaking Bad News education in General Practice through a Train the Trainer format
- Boost - On ACP for adolescents with cancer, improving communication between adolescents and their parents
- Thoughtful Visitors - Aiming to make community volunteers more aware of early palliative care needs during home visits
- Tetra Project 'From Cure to Care' - On guiding change management processes in care homes towards a Palliative Care approach
- EU Navigate - A European adaptation of the Nav-CARE program aiming to support older people with cancer living at home
Apart from working as a trainer on research projects, she also assists prof. Lieve Van den Block on the Train the Trainer Sessions for Medical Specialists, teaching medical staff how to accompany workplace learning: https://www.vub.be/nl/over-de-vub/faculteiten-instituten-en-campussen/onze-faculteiten/train-de-trainer
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Brussels