online event
We are pleased to invite you for the 5th webinar of the EAPC Reference Group Public Health Palliative Care. Theme of this session is International and cross-national comparisons in palliative care research: population-health perspectives.
- 1:30-1:35 PM: Introduction by prof. Joachim Cohen (chair EAPC Reference Group Public Health Palliative Care)
- 1:35-1:55 PM: Preferences and experiences of people in the last phase of life: international cohort study by prof. Agnes van der Heide (Erasmus MC, The Netherlands)
- 1:55-2:15 PM: Epidemiology of dying and palliative care needs in Latin America by prof. Tania Pastrana (Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Germany)
- 2:15-2:35 PM: Importance of place of end-of-life care and death: policy implications by prof. Barbara Gomes (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
- 2:35-3:00 PM: Panel discussion and Q&A
Agnes van der Heide

Tania Pastrana

Barbara Gomes